

Girls athlete of the week

Posted by Allan Spencer on Mar 25 2010 at 05:00PM PDT in 2019 Tournament

Richmond Times Dispatch

Girls athlete of the week: Kelly Heinz

What she did: Heinz, a sophomore pitcher, was 2-1 in one-run games against fellow T-D Top 10 teams Matoaca, Prince George and Mills Godwin. She allowed one earned run, gave up five hits and struck out 37 in the three games. Age: 16

Three words your friends would use to describe you: "Determined, hardworking, passionate."

Strengths: "I'm a team player. I bring my best all the time. I throw the ball really hard."

Toughest opponent other than yourself: "Sheree Lamp [a travel squad teammate]."

I'm working to improve: "My rise ball."

Favorite food: Chicken

Favorite ice cream: Chocolate

Best high school sports memory: "Throwing 15 innings and winning against Atlee last year."

If she had one wish: "To play ball for the rest of my life and not do anything else."

Possession you can't do without: "My glove"

What's on your iPod: "A little bit of everything."

Social network: "I don't have any. I want a Facebook page, but I'm too busy to keep up with it."

One thing about you most people don't know: "I had bowed legs when I was little. I had surgery to correct them. I probably couldn't have played if I hadn't had it."

Sports person you admire the most: Lisa Fernandez, retired from U.S. Olympic softball team.

- Arthur Utley



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