
Chicks preparing for Summer Nationals

Posted by Allan Spencer on Jul 26 2020 at 02:20PM PDT in 2020 Tournament

The Chicks are getting ready for Nationals in Myrtle Beach, SC this week. This has been the strangest season of softball in my 26 years of coaching. We had to change our schedule multiple times for this pandemic. Social distancing and Covid are words that have never been spoken before this season. I’m not sure it will be much different in the fall either. Colleges and High Schools are canceling sports every day. We are going to do our best to get thru this crazy summer season and hope we can play in the fall. We have been strapped with injuries much of the season but we made no excuses and continue to battle. Let’s get our game faces ready for a nice week in Myrtle Beach. Start hydrating now as it may be warm in SC. I don’t see how it could be much warmer than some of the tournaments we already played this Summer though. It has been scorching hot almost every time we hit the field. Stats are posted, GO CHICKS !!!


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