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Chicks finish Fall in Myrtle Beach

Posted by Allan Spencer at Nov 13, 2016 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The Chicks took our show on the road to Myrtle Beach for the last tournament of the year, we played well going 4-1 for the weekend with the final game on Sunday getting canceled because of weather. It was a chilly weekend and wet on Sunday but our bats were as hot as ever. We scored 43 runs in our 5 games in Myrtle Beach and finished the fall at 25-5. This has been a fun fall as we had new players come in and everyone came together rather quickly. I'm already looking forward to next Summer as I think this team can do some great things. I had a great time and hope all the girls and parents did also. I will send out some info on December Christmas party. Enjoy the off season, final stats are posted. As always, GO CHICKS !!! image
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Chicks claim Championship

Posted by Allan Spencer at Oct 30, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The Chicks finally got to play close to home for a weekend and we claimed the Championship in the College Exposure Showcase in Powhatan. I don't think we could have ordered a better weekend. We had temperatures around 80, beautiful weather and we got great pitching, outstanding defense and we hit the ball. This is the only tournament left in the Fall that still plays it out and claims a Champion and we put up 7 wins and claimed the Hardware outlasting the other 27 teams. I am very proud of this team as they seem to never let anything bother them and they play loose and they stay loose. I'm sorry it's almost over now as I feel we are just hitting our stride. We play our last Showcase in a couple weeks in Myrtle Beach. Our Fall record stands at 21-4 so let's work hard to finish the season with 6 more wins before we shut it down until winter workouts. Practice is Sunday at Midlothian High School at 11:00. Stats are posted, as always GO CHICKS !!! image
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Chicks go 3-2 at the Beach

Posted by Allan Spencer at Oct 23, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The Chicks got back on the field this past weekend after a month off because of rainouts and we started a little slow losing a couple games 1-0 and 2-1 then got back on track winning the next 3 games all by shutout fashion. It was tough conditions for everyone as it was really windy and cold most of the weekend at the beach. It finally started to get nice about the time we left to come home. I think we struggled with the hitting early as we haven't seen any live pitching in a month. I'm looking forward to this upcoming weekend as we finally get to play near home in Powhatan and I think we will be much better prepared. We need to get back on track and play better from start to finish this upcoming weekend and bring home the Championship as this is our only elimination tournament this Fall season. Stats are posted, as always GO CHICKS !!!

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Chicks Impress in Raleigh

Posted by Allan Spencer at Sep 25, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The Chicks took our act back on the road this past weekend and put on a pretty inpressive show in Raleigh, NC. We went 4-1 in the Cardinal Clash playing some of the best teams Virginia and North Carolina has to offer. We played very well and I am very proud of how this new team is starting to gel and I think some great things are in store for us. We got better as the weekend progressed and with more hard work I expect us to get even better. If not for one bad half inning we could have won all five games. That runs our season record to 11-2 with four tournaments left. It's back to work next Sunday at Midlothian 11:00 to get ready for the following weekend in Roanoke. Stats are posted and thanks for a great weekend. As always, GO CHICKS !!! image
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Chicks go 4-1 in Heartland Showcase

Posted by Allan Spencer at Sep 18, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The Chicks went on the road for the first time this Fall season and played well and left Roanoke with a 4-1 record. We still have to work on getting better at different aspects of the game but overall it was a good weekend. We don't have much time to relax as we head to Raleigh for the Cardinal Clash this upcoming weekend. We are going to play some great teams this weekend and should be good experience for our team. I'm looking forward to it. I will let you know about practice as soon as I hear something  on Tuesday. Stats are posted, as always GO CHICKS !!! image